unarmed resistance: the transnational factor - introduction

Section 1: What do local campaigns expect from international solidarity and what do they get?
* How important a role has international solidarity had in the campaign strategy?
* What benefits to the campaign did the organisers expect to gain from international solidarity?
* What unwanted side-effects were there to international solidarity?
* How did the transnational links affect relationships between different groups involved in the campaign or with other local actors?

Section 2: How different “axes of solidarity” function
In particular we will look at:
* ideological affinity – movement against capitalist globalisation / transnational advocacy networks / solidarity groups / human rights / anti-militarism
* the role of diaspora groups
* mobilisation around gender, sexual orientation, faith
* the contribution of community “twinning”

Section 3: Examples of specific types of citizens' international nonviolent intervention at the site of conflicts
* “non-partisan” protective accompaniment - especially the work of Peace Brigades International
* international physical presence as a restraint on military forces – human shields, Gulf Peace Team
* solidarity alongside local activists – International Solidarity Movement, Christian Peacemaker Teams
* promoting dialogue in a situation of nonviolent struggle – Balkan Peace Team, Ecumenical Accompaniers in Palestine and Israel

Section 4: How the international climate can be made more favourable to nonviolence
* changing the role of the media – “non-violence is not news”
* dilemmas around foreign funding – problems of US using people power for regime change, but more general issues too
* strengthening international instruments and standards – assessing value of various international charters, etc, inter-governmental monitoring agencies, capacity for preventive action (in case of threats of war etc) or restrictive action (in case of corporate action involving mass displacement or environmental aggression, etc)