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Reflections on Gandhi, Orwell, George , 1949, Volume 16, Issue 1 (January), p.8, (1949)
Reprinted in A Collection of Essays, New York, Harcourt, 1953. A frequently cited critical review of many aspects of Gandhi’s philosophy and life, which nevertheless recognizes his positive contribution as a politician.
War Without Violence, Shridharani, Krishnalal , London, p.288, (1939)
Reprinted by New York, Garland, 1972, pp. 351. Respected early analysis of satyagraha with emphasis on strategy. Also comments on role of nonviolent action in democratic states in resisting an invasion.
Ends and Means: An Enquiry into the Nature of Ideals and into the Methods Employed for their Realization, Huxley, Aldous , London, (1937)
which includes some discussion in chapter 10 of nonviolent resistance
The Moral Equivalent of War, James, William , (1906)
a short essay arguing the need for alternatives to military methods and emotions associated with war, later reproduced as a pamphlet and in anthologies
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience, Thoreau, Henry David , (1846)
also entitled ‘Civil Disobedience’. Essay available in some editions of Thoreau’s Walden, in many anthologies and online.
Adem Demaçi Biography: a Century of Kosova’s History through One Man’s Life, Gashi, Shkelzen , Prishtina, p.240, (210)
Biography of long-term prisoner and human rights campaigner who was increasingly critical of Rugova’s ‘passive’ approach.
AIDA (Environmental Law for the Americas), , (0)
reports on issues and protests relating to dam projects, marine pollution, climate change and other environmental threats, and promotes legal strategies which activists can adopt.
Albert Einstein Institution, Albert Einstein Institution , (0)
This organization was created by Gene Sharp to disseminate knowledge of the basic theory, strategy and tactics of nonviolent resistance (elaborated in his books) and has been a key internet resource for accessing his writings, especially the shorter pamphlets designed to help activists round the world. Gene Sharp died in February 2018 (an obituary is on the website). However, the organization is still promoting his ideas and publications.
ALTSEAN Burma (Alternative ASEAN network on Burma), ALTSEAN Burma , (0)
which includes special materials on the Saffron Revolution and a monthly Burma bulletin.
The Argentine Government is set to push ahead with Controversial Fracking despite Warnings, Cabrera, Fernando , 07/12/2018, (0)
Reports on the Argentine government plans and the oil companies involved in exploitation of the Vaca Muerta formation, close to one of the country's most important water basins. The UN Committee on ESCR had warned in October that the project would have a serious impact on the climate and the local territory. Cabrera also notes that over 60 municipalities had banned fracking, but several of m these bans have been ruled unconstitutional for exceeding communal powers.
The Burma Campaign UK, Burma Campaign UK , (0)
China's Forced Labor Problem, Bengsten, Peter , 21/03/2018, (0)
The author notes that forced labour is a sensitive and rarely publicized topic, although it has existed in China for decades, for example in construction work.  It sometimes surfaces, as in the 2007 scandal about children, the elderly and adults with disabilities who were kidnapped in Zhanxi province, often with the collusion of local authorities, and forced to work in brick kilns.  Later similar stories in other provinces came to light.  The article also covers other forms of exploitation, such as students forced to work cheaply as interns in order to graduate - a practice that received global attention in 2012 in relation to electronic supply chains.  The author notes the role of local NGOs and sometimes the local media in exposing abuses.   See also: Bengsten, Peter, 'Hidden in Plain Sight: Forced Labour Constructing  China', openDemocracy, (16 Feb, 2018),
Climate Change: The Science, Impacts and Solutions, Pittock, Barrie , 2nd edition, London, p.350 (pb), (0)
Pittock, a well known Australian climate scientist, examines the scientific evidence for climate change, including new evidence in the 2007 Fourth IPCC Assessment Report of the rapid melting of arctic sea ice. He also covers the possibilities of investment in renewable technologies, and examines the role of the (in 2009) recently elected Australian government.
Contesting the Thai Hyper-Royalist Nationalist Imaginary through Infrapolitical Everyday Resistance Online, Gaber, Katrina , (0)
This article focuses on the internet, not as a tool for mobilizing open protest, but enabling 'covert, individual, non-ohrganized' resistance in a repressive context.
Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ), , (0)
Global Nonviolent Action Database, Swarthmore College , (0)
A project of Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, and includes summaries of nonviolent action campaigns from around the world with additions every week.
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, International Center on Nonviolent Conflict , (0)
The International Center on Nonviolent Conflict provides numerous free sources of information, both about the theory and strategy of civil resistance and about campaigns using various forms of non violent protest around the world. These resources include webinars, videos, translations, monographs and ICNC blogs. The Resources Library has materials in over 70 languages and dialects, and ICNC's Academic Online Curriculum offers resources on over 40 topics. In 2020-21 ICNC collaborated with the American Society of International Law to discuss the possible role of international law in relation to civil resistance. ICNC is proposing a legal doctrine of a 'Right to Assist' democratic and human rights movements, drawing on research by Maria Stephan and Erica Chenoweth on how far external support aids movements.
Mapping Anti-Sexual Harassment and Changing Social Norms in Egypt, Cochrane, Logan, Zeid Yasmien, and Sharif Raed , Volume 18, Issue 2, p.27, (0)
According to available data, Egypt has higher than average rates of sexual harassment for the Middle East and North Africa region and many other countries in the Global South. This article explores how one organization, HarassMap, has mapped sexual harassment using crowd-sourced technology, engaged in anti-sexual harassment activities and sought to change social norms to promote an environment of zero tolerance. The authors highlight the evolving activism since 2010, and the lessons learned, within an environment influenced by restrictive political, religious and socio-cultural spheres. This article shows how anti-sexual harassment activities can occur in challenging contexts, using crowdsourcing mapping, when traditional methods are illegal or could lead to violence. The authors draw on these experiences to reflect on more effective forms of support that external actors can provide within restrictive environments. See also Bernardi, Chiara (2018) ‘HarassMap: The Silent Revolution for Women’s Rights in Egypt’ in Maestri Elena, Annemarie Profanter  (eds.) Arab Women and the Media in Changing Landscapes. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 215-227. The author analyzes the role played by the independent organization HarassMap, run by Egyptian men and women, with the aim to “put an end to social acceptance of sexual harassment” in the country. HarassMap situates itself at the intersection of activism, digital media and semiotics. It is an interactive map that enables sexual harassment to become visible and “exposed” in a country where bystanders turn a blind eye to instances of harassment and even violence.
MINIVAN NEWS - Independent News in the Maldives, , (0)
New Tactics in Human Rights, New Tactics in Rights , (0)
Includes database of new tactics, tactical notebooks describing particular campaigns, a list of training tools, and monthly ‘online dialogues’.
Nonviolent and Violent Campaigns and Outcomes (NAVCO) Data Project, Chenoweth, Erica, Lewis Orion A., and Day Joel , (0)
referred to especially in [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=148], was upgraded in May 2013, to NAVCO 2.00. See [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=10041], pp. 415-23.
The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty:Aims. Limitations and Achievements, Dombey, Norman , Available online in New Left Review archives:, Issue 52, (0)
On the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, New Left Review launched a discussion on the role and significance of the NPT. The physicist and expert on the treaty, Norman Dombey, initiated the debate with this detailed and well annotated historical and political examination of the origins and evolution of the treaty and the difficulties it had faced. The article concludes with his assessment of the role of the NPT in limiting proliferation and questions about its future.  See also:  Watkins, Susan, ‘The Nuclear Non-Protestation Treaty’, New Left Review,  no. 54, Nov-Dec. 2008 for a much more  critical analysis of the NPT.
Peace Insight, , (0)
Peace Insight, lunched in 2007 by Peace Direct, links local groups engaged in peacebuilding in conflicts around the world - about 2,000 in 2021- with each other and with international bodies.  It also provides expert analysis and commentary on conflicts.
Peace News, Peace News , (0)
Monthly Peace News plus additional material. Peace News reports on major peace, environmental, anti-racist, social justice and other protests to assert rights or resist oppression.  It also carries critiques of movement, radical political analysis, theoretical debates and book reviews.
