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Christine Schweitzer

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Year of Publication: 2016

Schweitzer, Christine ; Johansen, Jorgen, What Can Peace Movements Do?, Wahlenau, Irene Publishing, 2016, pp. 142

The authors examine how far peace movements can stop wars, summarizing a number of attempts to do so in the past – for example in the 1905 conflict between Norway and Sweden – as well as more recent better known movements: against the Vietnam War, and against the Iraq wars of both 1991 and 2003. Their case studies include the movement to resist US support for the Contras in Nicaragua in the 1980s, and the Women in White in Liberia 2002-2003.

Year of Publication: 2015

Schweitzer, Christine, Soziale Verteidigung und Gewaltfreier Aufstand Reloaded - Neue Einblicke in Zivilen Widerstand, Hintergrund- und Diskussionspapier Nr. 41, Minden, Bund für Soziale Verteidigung, 2015, pp. 26

This paper summarizes the most recent English-language literature on civil resistance for a non-English speaking readership.

Year of Publication: 2014

Schweitzer, Christine ; Johansen, Jørgen, Kriege verhindern oder stoppen - Der Beitrag von Friedensbewegungen, IFGK Arbeitspapier No 26, Wahlenau, Institut für Friedensarbeit und Gewaltfreie Konfliktaustragung, 2014, pp. 81

Historical survey of the contribution of seven peace movements to halting or preventing the involvement of their own governments’ in wars – from Sweden/Norway 1905 to Iraq 2003.

Year of Publication: 2013

Schweitzer, Christine, ''Was heisst "gewalfreie Aktion". Ein Beitrag zur begrifflichen und konzeptionellen Klaerung, Sicherheit und Frieden, Vol. 31, no. 3, 2013, pp. 140-144

Nonviolent action is a form of political action based on the decision, either principled or pragmatic, not to physically harm or destroy human life.  In many social movements it has proved an effective tool for political change, which can be explained by Gene sharp's theory that all power rests ultimately with those who can withdraw their consent.  Nonviolent action applies in several fields: local and regional struggles; in popular (people power) uprisings; in the theory of civilian-based  defence; in approaches of nonviolent intervention  in conflicts; and in what has been called unarmed civilian peacekeeping.

Year of Publication: 2009

Year of Publication: 2006

This article looks at the strategies of nonviolent peace-keeping, will ask using the example of two NGOs with whom the author is familiar if ‘deterrence’ is the only mechanism that is being applied, or how ‘it is working’, and will suggest to put different approaches into a framework of an escalation of conflict without arms.

Year of Publication: 2002

Schweitzer, Christine ; Howard, Donna ; Junge, Mareike ; Levine, Corey ; Stieren, Carl ; Wallis, Tim, Nonviolent Peace Force Feasibility Study, 2002

Year of Publication: 2000

Schweitzer, Christine, Mir Sada: The Story of a Nonviolent Intervention that Failed, In Moser-Puangsuwan; Weber, Nonviolent Intervention Across Borders: A Recurrent Vision (A. 5. Nonviolent Intervention and Accompaniment), Honolulu, Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peace, pp. 269-276

Attempt in 1993 to set up a transnational peace caravan in Sarajevo during the war in Bosnia.