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Heinz Kleger

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Year of Publication: 2017

Kleger, Heinz, Protestantismus und die Tradition des zivilen Ungehorsams, In Klein, A und O. Zimmerman, (eds.) Impulse der Reformation: Buergergesellschaft und Demokratie, Wiesbaden, Springer VS, pp. 51-58

Since the protests against the use of nuclear energy in the 1980s, civil disobedience is part of German society. The author claims that this kind of resistance shouldn't be confused with the right to resist. Civil disobedience has certain stringent criteria that have to be fulfilled, and should moreover be an exception in a democracy founded on the rule of law and the principle of representation.

Year of Publication: 2013

Kleger, Heinz, Widerstand und ziviler Ungehorsam im demokratischen Rechtsstaat, In Enzemann , Birgit, ed., Handbuch Politische Gewalt., Wiesbaden, Springer VS, pp. 163-203

The author stresses that a democratic state based on the rule of law provides a rigorous normative order, which guarantees basic civil and human rights for each citizen, whilst also allowing for democratic government. Therefore, resistance and civil disobedience are always caught in a conflict between social (and political) rules and individual rights.