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Compiled by Véronique Dudouet and Alain Refalo.

ANV (revue Alt Non-Violentes), Une Force Entre Dans l’Histoire: Les Luttes Non-violentes Au XXeme Siècle, [2001], ANV, issue 119-120, 2001, pp. 154

This special double issue of the review Alternatives Non-Violentes presents numerous examples of nonviolent struggles and of leading figures in the field of nonviolence that have marked the 20th century.

Bové, José ; Luneau, Gilles, Pour La Désobéissance Civique, Paris, La Découverte, 2004, pp. 260

This essay by leading politician and activist Bové and journalist Luneau traces the world history of civil disobedience and explains its current relevance.

Cervera-Marzal, Manuel, Désobéir En Démocratie: La Pensée Désobéissante De Thoreau à Martin Luther King, Paris, Aux forges de Vulcain, 2013, pp. 170

Largely based on the author’s PhD thesis, this book analyses three historical approaches to civil disobedience, from conservative and liberal philosophies to the applied theory of disobedience derived from Gandhi and Martin Luther King.

Collectif, La lutte non-violente en 50 points, approche stratégique de la tactique quotidienne, Belgrade, Centre for Applied Non Violent Action and Strategies, 2006, pp. 185

This document was developed by the leaders of the Otpor movement, which inspired civil resistance against Milosevic in Serbia in the 1990s.  It examines a strategic approach to nonviolent struggle presented in four thematic sections: definition and analysis of the framework of nonviolent struggle; elaboration and planning of the struggle; the techniques of nonviolent combat; and measures to resist repression.

de la Boetie, Etienne, Discours de la servitude volontaire, [1548], (there are several editions), Paris, Flammarion, 1983, pp. 217

Renowned philosophical treatise on civil disobedience against tyranny, written by a young disciple of Montaigne in 1548.

Translations: English
del Vasto, Lanza, Technique de la Nonviolence, [1974], Paris, Gallimard, 1988, pp. 280

Originally written in 1974, this essay explores the philosophy and strategy of nonviolence inspired by the author’s meeting with Gandhi in 1937, and applies it to environmental and solidarity struggles as well as in the daily life of the Arch communities, which he founded across France.

Diogene (revue), Theories Et Practiques De La Non-violence, PUF, issue 243-244, 2014, pp. -250

This special number of Diogene (international review of the human sciences) presents diverse perspectives on different themes relating to nonviolence: the language of nonviolence; the links between nonviolence and religion; and between nonviolence and civil resistance.  It also considers the future of nonviolence.

MAN, Pour Une Nonviolence Ethique Et Politique, Ed. du MAN, 2014, pp. 93

This book is the key reference guide to the main French nonviolent action movement. It presents the basis for applying a culture of nonviolence to the spheres of the economy, ecology, education, democracy, defence and international solidarity.

Maurel, Olivier, La Non-violence Active, 100 Questions Pour Résister Et Agir, Paris, Ed. La Plage, 2001, pp. 121

Manual presenting nonviolent strategies and tactics being used in contemporary environmental or social rights campaigns in France.

Mellon, Christian ; Sémelin, Jacques, La Non-violence, Paris, Presse Universitaire de la France, 1994, pp. 128

The authors offer a definition of nonviolence and its main components, before reviewing the history of nonviolent struggles, as well as the past and future research agenda on civil resistance.

Muller, Jean-Marie, Stratégie De L'Action Non-violente, Paris, Le Seuil, Col. Points Politique, 1981, pp. 256

This book has become a key reference on the subject of nonviolent action, and notably was circulated clandestinely in Poland after 1981. It has been translated in Italian, Spanish, Polish, Croatian and Arabic.

Muller, Jean-Marie, Le Principe De La Non-violence. Parcours Philosophique, Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 1995, pp. 328

The goal of this book is to develop a philosophical concept of non-violence to challenge the ideology that violence is necessary, legitimate and honourable.

Muller, Jean-Marie, Le Dictionnaire De La Non-violence, Paris, Le Relie de poche, 2005, pp. 410

This encyclopaedia by leading French theorist compiles and analyses key words in the philosophy of nonviolence, as well as strategic components for effective nonviolent action.

Quelquejeu, Bernard, Sur Les Chemins De La Non-violence – Etudes De Philosophie Morale Et Politique, Paris, Vrin, 2010, pp. 224

This collection of articles by the author gathers philosophical reflections on the ethics and politics of nonviolence, with reference to numerous classical and contemporary philosophers.

Renou, Xavier, Petit Manuel De Désobéissance Civile – A L'Usage De Ceux Qui Veulent Vraiment Changer Le Monde, Paris, Syllepse, 2009, pp. 142

Training manual on civil disobedience addressed to political or social activists, it covers the theory and practice of nonviolent action, including strategy and advice on media and the law. The author is himself a trainer and former leader of Greenpeace on nuclear disarmament.

Sharp, Gene, De La Dictature A La Démocratie : Un Cadre Conceptuel Pour La Libération, Paris, l'Harmattan, 2009, pp. 137

Translation of Sharp’s manual From Dicttorship to Democracy on conducting  nonviolent resistance written for and consulted by actvists in many parts of the world.

Translations: English | Spanish | Italian
Sémelin, Jaques, La Non-violence Expliquée A Mes Filles, Paris, Le Seuil, 2000, pp. 57

Short manual on civil education on nonviolence in simple terms, in the form of a dialogue with the author’s pre-teenage daughters. It has been translateed in English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, Japanese, Hebrew and   Indonesian

Sémelin, Jaques, Face Au Totalitarisme, La Resistance Civile, Ed. André Versaille, 2011, pp. 112

Presentation of fifteen years of research into the resources available for civil resistance in the heart of totalitarian systems of the 20th century.  Sémelin also extends and develops his analyses of civil resistance in the context of European Communism.

Cervera-Marzal, Manuel, Désobeir En Démocratie:La Pénsee Désobeissante De Thoreau A Martin Luther King, Paris, Aux forges de Vulcain, 2013, pp. 170

Largely based on the author’s PhD thesis, this book analyses three historical approaches to civil disobedience, from conservatives and liberal philosophies to the applied theory of disobedience derived from Gandhi and Martin Luther King.

Gros, Philippe, Désobeir, Ed. Albin Michel/Flammarion, 2017, pp. 265

In this essay Gros reconsiders the roots of political obedience in order to understand the different forms of civic and civil disobedience, in so far as they constitute an ethical resistance to promote democracy.

Muller, Jean-Marie, L’Imperatif de Désobeissance, Fondements Philosophique et Stratégiques de la Désobeissance Civil, Le Passager Clandestin, 2011, pp. 281

The author analyses the foundation texts and historic campaigns of civil disobedience in France and in the world.  He constructs a definition of the concept understood as both an ethical imperative and a form of nonviolent direct action.

Renou, Xavier, Petit Manuel De Désobeissance Civile – A L'Usage De Ceux Qui Veulent Vraiment Changer Le Monde, Paris, Syllepse, 2009, pp. 142

Training manual on civil disobedience addressed to political or social activists, it covers the theory and practice of nonviolent action, including strategy and advice on media and the law. The author is himself a trainer and former leader of Greenpeace on nuclear disarmament.

Marichez, Jeanet ; Olagne, Xavier, La Guerre Par Actions Civiles: Identité d’Une Stratégie De Défense, Paris, Fondation pour les Etudes de Défense, 1998

This book aims to sensitise policy-makers and especially those active in the security sector, to the strategic utility of mass-based civilian resistance, and its potential use for national defence purposes.

Mellon, Christian ; Muller, Jean-Marie, La guerre par actions civiles: Identité d’une stratégie de défense, Paris, Fondation pour les Etudes de Défense (FEDN), 1985, pp. 204

Study commissioned by the then French Defence Minister on the  principles and techniques of nonviolent defence.

Mellon, Christian ; Muller, Jean-Marie ; Sémelin, Jacques, La dissuasion civile, Paris, Fondation des Etudes de Défense Nationale (FEDN), 1985, pp. 204

Study commissioned by the then French Defence Minister on the principles and techniques of nonviolent defence.

Sémelin, Jacques, Sans Armes Face A Hitler: La Résistance Civile En Europe, 1939-1945, [1989], Paris, Payot, 1998, pp. 268

Historical essay presenting and analysing various examples of civil resistance to Nazi occupation across Europe.

Translations: English | German
Sémelin, Jaques, Persécutions Et Entraides Dans La France Occupée. Comment 75% Des Juifs Ont Echappé A La Mort, Paris, Le Seuil/Les Arènes, 2013, pp. 912

Huge historiography which uncovers the role of civil servants in resisting the deportation of Jews during WWII occupation in France; based on several years of archival and interview-based research.

Alternatives Non-Violentes (ANV), L’Intervention Civile, Une Chance Pour La Paix, ANV no. 124, ANV, 2002, pp. 80

This special issue of the magazine Alternatives Non-Violentes, collects papers presented at a landmark conference organized at the French National Assembly in October 2001 on civil peace intervention.

Dufour, Martine, Intervention Civile De Paix: Une Expérience Au Kosovo, Ed. Du MAN, 2013, pp. 98

Martine Dufour is a member of the Movement for a Non-violent Alternative. She took part in several civil missions to Kosovo between 1993 and 2011.  This book relates a pioneering experiment in civil intervention and includes elements of analysis, appreciation and assesment of the Civil Peace Intervention in a post-conflict area.

Muller, Jean-Marie, Principes Et Méthodes De L'intervention Civile, Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 1997, pp. 176

A key resource on the French approach to international civilian peace intervention as an alternative to military or humanitarian intervention in conflict zones. It has been translated in Italian and Portuguese.

Popovic, Srdja, Comment Faire Tomber Un Dictateur Quand On Est Seul, Tout Petit Et Sans Armes, Paris, Payot, 2015, pp. 282

Drawing on his own experience with the Otpor movement in Serbia and an analysis of numerous nonviolent struggles, the author shows how it is possible to start a democratic nonviolent opposition to a dictatorship, to structure it and to guide it to victory.

Sémelin, Jacques, La Liberté Au Bout Des Ondes. Du Coup De Prague A La Chute Du Mur De Berlin, Paris, Belfond, 1997, pp. 347

This book provides accounts of the various peaceful revolutions in Eastern Europe against totalitarianism after 1948, culminating in 1989, with a specific emphasis on the role of media.

Sémelin, Jaques, Quand Les Dictatures Se Fissuerent... Résistances Civiles A l’Est Et Au Sud, Paris, Ed. Desclee de Brouwer, coll. “Culture de paix”, 1995, pp. 260

Jacques Sémelin has brought together historians, sociologists and political scientists to analyse examples of civil resistance in countries of the East and South, mainly in the 1980s.