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Marina Sitrin

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Year of Publication: 2014

Sitrin, Marina ; Azzellini, Dario, They Can’t Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy, London, Verso, 2014, pp. 192

Combines history of direct democracy from classical Greece to the Indignados, drawing on interviews with activists in contemporary movements, including Occupy, that are based on forms of participatory democracy and reject liberal parliamentary democracy.

Year of Publication: 2012

Sitrin, Marina, Everyday Revolutions: horizontalism and autonomy in Argentina, London, Zed Books, 2012, pp. 272

Year of Publication: 2004

Sitrin, Marina ; Nowhere, Notes from, The Power of the Piqueteros: Argentina’s movement of unemployed workers, In Notes from Nowhere, We Are Everywhere: The Irresistible Rise of Global Anticapitalism London, Verso, , 2004, pp. 472-481