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María Garibotti

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Year of Publication: 2019

Garibotti, María ; Hopp, Cecilia Marcela, Substitution Activism: The Impact of #MeToo in Argentina, in Fileborn B., Loney-Howes R. (eds) #MeToo and the Politics of Social Change, In , Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 185-199

Garibotti and Hopp argue that even though anti-rape politics did not advance in any meaningful way in Argentina #MeToo provided feminists with an opportunity to access mainstream media and discuss their local agenda: the legalization of abortion. Due to the influence of #NiUnaMenos, another social media campaign that commenced in 2015, by the time #MeToo was launched in 2017, feminist movements were highly organized, had a clear agenda and used the opportunity to press for the legalization of abortion. The chapter shows how #MeToo provided a new arena for women’s voices and new ways of organizing feminist mobilization.