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Bogumilla Hall

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Year of Publication: 2019

Hall, Bogumilla, Gendering Resistance to Right-Wing Populism: Black Protest and a New Wave of Feminist Activism in Poland?, American Behavioral Scientists, Vol. 63, no. 10, 2019, pp. 1497-1515

The election of the Law and Justice Party (PiS) in 2015, and its growing authoritarianism, has politicized thousands of Poles and stimulated large-scale protests. Women have been at the forefront, linking the demand for reproductive rights with the wider resistance to the ruling party. In particular, the proposal to restrict the abortion law sparked mass mobilization in 2016. These Black Protests became a formative experience for many previously inactive. This article examines this latest wave of feminist activism in Poland and its methods, from a generational perspective. It scrutinises in detail the narrative of a “new generation of activists,” who claim they are making Polish feminism more inclusive, creative and bolder.