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Xavier Renou

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Year of Publication: 2009

Renou, Xavier, Petit Manuel De Désobéissance Civile – A L'Usage De Ceux Qui Veulent Vraiment Changer Le Monde, Paris, Syllepse, 2009, pp. 142

Training manual on civil disobedience addressed to political or social activists, it covers the theory and practice of nonviolent action, including strategy and advice on media and the law. The author is himself a trainer and former leader of Greenpeace on nuclear disarmament.

Renou, Xavier, Petit Manuel De Désobeissance Civile – A L'Usage De Ceux Qui Veulent Vraiment Changer Le Monde, Paris, Syllepse, 2009, pp. 142

Training manual on civil disobedience addressed to political or social activists, it covers the theory and practice of nonviolent action, including strategy and advice on media and the law. The author is himself a trainer and former leader of Greenpeace on nuclear disarmament.